Goal 5: Expand PrEP/PEP Access

Objective 1. Increase PrEP enrollment among HIV negative individuals to 4,550 individuals.

1a. Provide education and promote benefits of PrEP among Latino and African-American MSM, intravenous drug users, transwomen and sex workers when testing for HIV and/or STD screening.

1b. Provide linkages to PrEP for injection drug users (IDU).

1c. Promote PrEP/PEP clinics throughout Long Beach with direct contact information on social media, social networks, email lists, city websites, and the Health Department website.

1d. Collaborate with local Emergency Departments to assist them in linking individuals who obtain PEP to PrEP services.

Objective 2. Train 500 service and medical providers on PrEP and PEP.

2a. Equip providers with the CDC PrEP Clinical Practice Guidelines to reduce the risk of acquiring HIV infection in high risk individuals (MSM, youth ages 15-29, transgender women and men).

2b. Promote CDC’s Guide to Taking a Sexual History for providers to assess a patient’s risk to HIV and encourage PrEP for those that qualify.

2c. Utilize Pleaseprepme.org to gain access to information and several tools to guide providers in prescribing PrEP and PEP.

2d. Provide information on health insurances that cover PrEP and PEP and the enrollment process.